Is Your Pup Ready for Murfreesboro’s Most Dog-Friendly Parks

Dogs and owners at dog park
Licensed from Envato

Murfreesboro is a city that loves furry companions and ensures they have plenty of places to play and interact. Dog parks are not only a place for pups to socialize, but they draw communities closer, encouraging new friendships and a good time for everyone. Visit Best Dog Parks to read details on some of the best dog parks.

How do you know when your puppy is old enough and capable of manners and good behavior? Let’s learn.

Factors To Consider Before Heading Out to the Dog Park

One of the perks of having a fur baby is playtime at the dog park. Murfreesboro caters to this urge by offering varied parks for pet parents and their puppies to choose from. However, you don’t want to be overly anxious. Your dog must be ready.

Dog parks can be overwhelming and intimidating for some canines, considering all the other animals and unfamiliar people. Consider these factors before making the trip.


Some dogs at the park may not be vaccinated, putting pups at risk for infectious diseases, like parvo. If your pup isn’t up to date on the vaccines or hasn’t completed them, it’s wise to wait. Puppies under the age of five months are considered the highest risk.

Instead of playtime with many dogs, the recommendation for young puppies is one-on-one interactions with fully vaccinated, healthy dogs when they reach six months and over.

Insurance coverage

Puppies are high-energy and rambunctious, rough players. That can lead to an accident or incident resulting in injuries. If you go for playtime frequently, you could end up with costly vet bills. 

While young, enrolling the pup in pet insurance coverage is recommended to prepare for the unexpected.

The weather

Dogs don’t recognize when they’re too hot or overly tired and should stop playing. When they’re having a good time, most will keep at it until the point of exhaustion. When the weather is hot, this can lead to a pup becoming overheated and dehydrated.

The ideal time to go out is earlier in the morning or in the cooler evening. When it’s hot and humid, the risk rises for heat stroke unless you find an indoor dog park with climate control or take the puppy to a doggy daycare for a day of fun with other dogs.

In that same vein, you might want to avoid rainy days when your dog is likely to roll in the dirt and jump in the mud puddles. This means grooming as soon as he’s through with his fun.

Play with dogs your own size

Some parks are set up based on size or have sections specifically for the smaller breeds. This keeps dogs safe when play becomes rough. Many little dogs believe they are much bigger than they actually are, putting them at risk if they engage a big dog in play. 

If your pup is still adjusting to being around other dogs, you might want to choose less busy times. This can prevent the potential for aggressive or other undesirable behaviors. When most people will be working through the week or early mornings on any day, the park could be less crowded and more fun for your dog.

If the park is overcrowded with dogs, it’s a good idea to either try another park or consider enjoying other pet-friendly activities the city has to offer.

Before visiting a dog park with your puppy, it’s important to become familiar with the rules for optimum safety.

Friendly Dog Park
Licensed from Envato

The rules

Each park has distinct guidelines pertaining to size, leashes and collars, vaccines, bringing treats or toys, and on. Compare your options and choose the one that suits your pup’s specific circumstances. You can usually find a list of the rules on the individual websites. 

Aggressive behavior is discouraged at all parks. These canines will be removed from the area.

The essential cues

You want to avoid the dog park if your puppy hasn’t completed basic obedience training. Reputable dog trainers use tailored programs to teach dogs to properly respond when cued with commands such as “come,” “stay,” and “sit.” 

They also instruct parents on the skills they need to work consistently with their dogs at home. You can learn about this training, teaching social skills, and working with reactive dogs on individual websites; find further reading here

Group sessions are ideal for training a pup to pay attention in distracting settings around other dogs.

Pay close attention to the dogs

Dogs display body language that will tell you how they’re feeling. If a dog’s body is tense, they’re crouching or staring, this indicates aggression. It becomes particularly dangerous if multiple aggressive dogs are chasing another pup. You want to make sure your puppy stays safe and is comfortable.

He will also exhibit signs when he’s growing overtired. Tempers will begin to erupt, or he will become overly sensitive with yelps or cries. Gauging his stamina will allow you to leave before this poor behavior starts, while he’s still in good spirits and content.

Paying attention while your pup plays is critical not only for his safety but to ensure he doesn’t become a threat to another dog. This means you should save your mobile for quiet time at home, avoid texts and refuse calls. Also, if you meet a new friend, keep the conversation light so you can watch the activities.

Final Thought

Pet parents want to wait to take a puppy to the dog park when he has completed his vaccines to prevent the possibility of contracting an infectious disease. He also must be prepared for what can be an overwhelming and intimidating environment with lots of other dogs and many unfamiliar people.

Murfreesboro offers pet parents some of the best dog parks in Tennessee, giving them the ideal place to practice with their pups on social skills and obedience. Click here to learn about dog parks near the city. 

The dog should, however, have a grasp of these skills to ensure a positive experience while playing with other canines.

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Brenda Coles
I'm an elementary school teacher who became a stay-at-home mother when my first child was born. I love to write about lifestyle, education, and news-related topics.