I’m in the middle of a series about how to use social media to develop your personal brand. With the ability to use social media, you can easily brand yourself and reach a broad audience. Today I want to talk about how you can use Pinterest to get your brand before the public eye.

Right now, it is estimated that there are around 72.8 million users on Pinterest. That makes for a lot of people that are searching for information. Not only are people getting on there and searching, but Google brings up Pinterest boards often in search results.
What Are the Basics of Using Pinterest?
To start with, you will need to create different boards that have specific focuses for each board. Try to make the boards match up with your personal branding message. For example, if you are in the tech world, you should put together boards that stay in line with that niche’.
Name your boards something that is descriptive and easy to search. Write a short description for the board that is rich in keywords. It is also a good idea to make the first pin on the board one that will stand out.
Pin Interesting Articles
If you have a blog or website, be sure to pin your latest posts. Pin them to the boards that make the most sense. It is a good idea to pin the articles to more than one board. If you choose to do that, you will want to pin at different times.
Quotes are a good thing to pin to your boards as well. If you chose to do that, you can put your web address on the image before you pin it. This will give your name more exposure.
Put Pins On Your Boards Throughout The Day
In order to get your pins seen by followers, you will need to pin throughout the day. It is especially important to pin during periods of time in which people are doing a lot of scrolling. This will allow your information to be seen by more individuals.
Follow Other Boards
To increase your following, you will want to find other pinners to follow. You can chose to follow one of their boards or all of them. Doing this will help to increase your exposure to those on Pinterest.
Leave Valuable Comments on Pins
Another way to get your brand out there is to engage with people through leaving valuable comments on pins. Search out pins that are in your niche’ and leave comments on the pin. It is important that you do not try to advertise on other people’s pins.
For many people, Pinterest is a great way to get their information out to the world around them. This outlet catalogs your content for years to come. People will be able to search and find it without problems.
When it comes to personal branding, using this media outlet is very valuable.
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