How To Choose The Best Clothes For A Toddler On The Go

Trying to get your toddler out of the house at any time of day is no easy feat. Aside from having to prepare all the things your toddler needs for the day – from snacks to toys and more – it’s typically to have your toddler put up a fight. If you’re looking for a way to make the mornings easier, a good place to start is with your toddler’s clothes so you don’t have to fret too much over getting them dressed. From cute boy outfits to trendy styles for girls, read on for some tips on the best clothes that make it easy for busy toddlers on the go.

Fill your Toddler’s Closet with Versatile Clothing Options

Versatility is key to building a closet for your toddler. You don’t want to have to worry about whether you have a pair of pants to match the only clean shirt or if the only shoes that go with your daughter’s dress are dirty. Being able to mix and match your toddler’s clothes means you don’t have to second-guess outfits. You can easily pick a shirt and pants that match to reduce the time spend on dressing your toddler. Or, if your toddler insists on dressing themselves, you know the options they have will go together and you won’t have to fight your toddler to change their mind because what they picked out doesn’t match.

A great tip for putting together a versatile closet is to make it monochromatic. Monochromatic means putting together a closet full of clothes that fit within one color scheme. For example, if you choose the color tan, you can fill their closet with varying shades of tan, cream, or light brown. This makes getting dressed much easier because the point of a monochromatic wardrobe is that everything goes with everything. 

Matching Sets are your Friends

In addition to filling your toddler’s closet with versatile clothing options, consider purchasing matching sets for your toddler. Matching sets also take the guesswork out of choosing which clothes your child should wear that day. If the idea of building a whole wardrobe for your child overwhelms you, make it easy by shopping for cute boy outfits that match. The same goes for your girls, buy a dress and headband set to make picking outfits easier. 

Jumpsuits and Rompers are a Must

Put aside worries of matching altogether by opting for jumpsuits (a one-piece outfit with pants) and rompers (a one-piece outfit with shorts). These one-piece items are super easy to slip on and go. You won’t need to be concerned with finding matching pieces and, your toddler can still look stylish.

Since you don’t have to worry about matching, you can buy trendy jumpsuits or rompers that are bold. You will want to be wary of getting any jumpsuit or romper that requires fasteners like buttons as these tend to add more time to your morning. A simple slip-on one-piece is the best way to keep things easy. Plus, these items are the perfect way to appear well-put-togther without actually putting in the effort. 

Avoid Clothing with Lots of Fasteners

Buttons, drawstrings, and other fasteners are only going to tie up your morning, especially if you have a toddler who insists on being independent. So, avoid those types of clothing altogether on busy mornings. Say goodbye to jeans, button-down shirts, and more to save your sanity. Pants and tops that easily pull on and fit without adjustments are the way to go. Plus, these are going to be a better option for potty-training toddlers. If you’re running a bunch of errands or are going on a playdate, your day won’t be tied up helping your toddler get in and out of their clothes when they need to go to the bathroom. You’ll be saving tons of time with clothes that are easy to get in and out of. 


Life with a toddler can be very stressful. Adding the worry of getting dressed to everything else you’re concerned about can be overwhelming. Take the stress out of this one area of your toddler’s day by preparing you and your toddler for easier mornings. When you don’t have to fret too much with choosing outfits, you have more time to focus on other tasks and on getting out the door and to your next adventure sooner.

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