How to Build a Twitter Following


Twitter is a gigantic beast full of followers ready to retweet information they find interesting. The key is to get those people to follow your account so that you can build engagement for your business or cause. Here a few tips that will help you build your twitter following.


Follow The Right People

It is important that you initiate and start following other accounts. Look for accounts that are similar to your niche’. Try to find ones that have a large following. You can also buy Twitter followers. Read this article on for more info.

Once you start to follow accounts in your niche’, follow some of their followers. Look for people that do a lot of retweeting or comments. This approach will get your name out there.

Use the 80/20 Rule

If all you ever tweet about is your own business, you can’t expect your followers to engage much. Use the 80/20 rule when tweeting. This is when you tweet others 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time, you tweet your own links and issues.

Make sure you are tweeting out valuable information that will be of interest to your followers. Every tweet should be used to build your branding.

Retweet Your Followers and Others

Since you need to focus on tweeting out great information, be sure to retweet your followers. That will show them that you actually care about their posts. It will also give them motivation to retweet you.

It is a good idea to retweet larger accounts and ones in your niche’ as well. This might spur some of those bigger accounts to repay you.

twitter world wide

Tweet at Other Accounts

To build an engagement with others, be sure to tweet at people directly. If you have new followers, send them a shoutout for their new followers. If you have an article or piece of information you think a follower will find useful, tweet it at them.

Send Private Messages

Another great way to engage people is to send a private message thanking people for their follow. This will help to solidify the relationship and make them more interested in what you are talking about.

Use the Right Hashtags

In order to get people to find your account, be sure you use the right hashtags when you make a post. On the left sidebar, there are usually a few trending hashtags. Try to use some of those hashtags if you can. This will put your posts before a lot of people.

The more people see your posts, the more followers you will have. Just be sure you use appropriate hashtags that match up your content.

Tweet the Same Information More Than Once

The more followers a person has, the less they tweets they will see. That is why you should tweet out the same article or information a few different times. Do this over the course of a few days. More people will have a chance to find you this way.

Twitter campaigns can be great for those that take the time to invest in it. Many people utilize this website every single day. It is definitely worth the energy.

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Keelie Reason
Romantically in love and married to her high school sweetheart, she and her husband raise three boys in the deep south. Completely addicted to blogging and sharing with the world around her.