Freelancers: 4 Clauses Every Contract Should Have

Freelancing has exponentially grown in popularity in the last few years. It offers an amount of freedom in one’s work-life balance that can not be matched by traditional employment, as it allows individuals to act as their boss and choose the clients and projects they want to work with. However, freedom comes with increased responsibility and liability if things don’t go right. That is why freelancers need to create a standard contract for potential clients.

New freelancers will often forgo creating a contract to scare potential clients. It isn’t until they encounter issues with clients that they see the incredible value of creating a contract. This article will examine five important clauses every freelancer should write in their contract and how they can help you. Once you better understand the ins and outs of contract design, you can use a project management system such as Freelancer Proposals and Contracts on Hectic™.

A Detailed Description of the Work That Will Be Done 

New freelancers will often say yes to everything their clients ask. This is fine when in the proposal stage of negotiating, but once the work is agreed upon, it can lead to scope creep. Scope crept when a project’s time and size increased due to changes and proposed added tasks. It can significantly increase the number of work hours you spend on a project, and if you have decided on a pre-negotiated price, a loss of revenue.

It’s here where your work description contract clause comes into place. You will need to put exact stipulations on the work that will need to be done and agreed-upon deadlines. This can help avoid disputes with your client and maintain a healthy ongoing work relationship. 

Detail Exact Payment Plan

There are many potential billing options you can provide a client. You and the client must agree on an option that works for both of you. 

  • You’ll need to decide if the project will be billed hourly or in whole.
  • If the project will be paid on the day of delivery or later.
  • Will there be late fees for missed payments?
  • What type of payment method works for both of you.

These are just some of the payment considerations you’ll have to negotiate with your clients.

Make it Clear on End Product Ownerships 

Copyright clauses are logistical nightmares, so this will require some research. Once the project is finished, who owns what can be confusing. Usually, the client who paid for the project owns all the rights, but if you used your proprietary technology and methods to create the project, you might want to stipulate you have the right to use the same techniques for future projects. Additionally, you may want to promote the work you did on an online portfolio. Writing a clause that allows you to showcase your hard work without being liable for a copyright strike is essential.

Revision Procedures

A project often won’t meet your client’s exact specifications, and revisions will be needed. You must specify how many modifications will be allowed and if there will be additional charges for each one.

A Good Contract Can Make Freelancing Easier

Hopefully, you should have a good understanding of the ins and out of crafting a freelancer contract. It might seem scary at first to bombard new clients with paperwork. The last thing you want to do is push clients away when you are just starting your career. It is a necessary step for successful freelancers. 

RELATED: How Do I Qualify As A Breach Of Contract?

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