Cybertruck Takes A Joy Ride Through Pop Culture

Ever since Elon Musk debuted the brand new Cybertruck, adding to Telsa’s line of sleek Electric Vehicle’s, the space-age Tonka truck has done more than peak the interest of some humdrum, Hawthorne tech executives.

The Blade Runner-esque vehicle has already participated in some of the highest echelons of pop culture despite not yet being in full production. It has even inspired knock-off Cybertrucks, Cyber Boats and even a Cyberhouse.

How It All Started

On November 21 Musk revealed the much anticipated new addition to the Tesla portfolio. While the angular design and sharp metal exterior, the same metal used on the SpaceX Starship, was able to withstand a beating from a heavy sledgehammer; a small metal ball eventually drove the Tech giant’s presentations off the rails.

When the “indestructible” windows shattered under the impact of the lightly thrown metal ball all Musk could do was respond in true car salesmen fashion, “It didn’t go through.”

“It didn’t go through”

Malibu Cool

Not one to let a mishap slow him down, shortly after the reveal of Cybertruck, Elon was seen at the trendy west side restaurant, Nobu. Riding alongside the Tesla founder was his musician and artist girlfriend, Grimes.

The futuristic vehicle and Grimes bright orange hair had the couple conjuring images of another sci-fi duo. Those of Korban Dallas and Leeloo from Luc Besson’s, The Fifth Element. The only question now is whether or not Musk has modified his Boring Company flamethrower into a complete Zorg ZF-1 Weapon System. My guess is he has.

Elon Musk and Grime go Fifth Element

Travis Scott Co-Signs Cybertruck

If Grimes wasn’t enough star power to propel the Cybertruck out of the atmosphere then the vehicle’s cameo in rapper Travis Scott’s music video for GANG GANG gave it the boost it needed to go interplanetary. The video which premiered on December 27 has already garnered over five million views. The music video features Travis Scott performing donuts around the Cybertruck in what could only be described as a CyberATV.

Travis Scott blasts a Boring Company Flamethrower while riding a Cyber ATV

Cyber Knock-off

Although it has only just been revealed to the public, Cybertruck has inspired knock-offs all across the globe. Within days of the Tesla reveal a homemade Cybertruck was spotted driving in Russia. Not long after a Cyberboat was spotted and now even cyberbunkers and cyber homes are being pitched to the public.

Now before you rush out and try to get your hands on one of these knock-off’s remember, they won’t be the real deal so they won’t be electric vehicles. You might want to consider using a fuel card until we all can get our hands on the real deal. All Musk has to do now is keep Cybertruck in the public’s mind until Tesla came fully move into production. I have a feeling he’s got a plan to do it.

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