Plastic welding tools and how to choose the right one for your project

Plastic Welding Rods
image courtesy of Plastral at

Plastic welding is an extremely useful and widely used technique that fuses together two pieces of plastic, to form a strong bond. As it’s so useful and its application far-reaching plastic welding can be and is used in a variety of industries, like building cars or storing liquids. 

It requires specialized tools and it comes in all shapes and sizes to suit the wide variety of industries that use plastic welding. From tools that are rods to those that are large enough to connect the edges of container ships, there’s a huge variety of welding tools.

Pros and Cons

The top advantage is that it takes two pieces of plastic, and welds them together forming a strong, leakproof bond.  Its versatility allows it to be used to make a wide range of objects, including swimming pools, roofing, boats, pipes, and tanks. 

It can seem more expensive, and there are only certain types of plastic you can use for welding. 

What industries use plastic welding tools?

Plastic welding tools are used across a variety of industries to create solid, strong bonds. Some of the main industries include: 

  • The mining industry 
  • Water processing plants 
  • Farming and agriculture 
  • Marine and boating industries 
  • Construction industry 
  • Swimming pool construction 

Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Tools

Like with any major purchase or investment, think about the long-term requirements you have, while also remembering what you need them for in the short term.

Some other considerations before you buy any new tools: 

  • Who will be using the tools? 
  • What is your budget, and what is important to you – quality and longevity or value for money? 
  • If you are loyal to any tool brands, and if you’d like to repurchase from them?
  • What kind of jobs you will be doing?
  • What kind of plastic you will be using for the job?

There are a variety of different kinds of welding tools, and each performs differently and is best used for different tasks. Some of the main kinds on the market are:

  • Extruders 
  • Plastic welding rods 
  • Butt fusion machines 
  • Specialized roofing or flooring tools 

If you’d like to know more about buying plastic welding tools, or any other information then, contact Plastral, Australia’s leading plastics supplier.

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Craig Zedwick
I'm a chemical engineer and operations leader, but in my spare time I love technology, building computers, and DIY projects. I like to dive deep into researching new topics, so my articles tend to focus on that same level of detail to help others like me to learn as much as they can.