A Guide To Vape Pod Systems

Available in prefilled designs, Vape Pod systems are explicitly designed for smokers who are transitioning into vaping. Being light in weight and compact in size, Vape pod systems are incredibly popular. Mostly made with refillable designs, the vape juice snaps into the pod within the small battery. These automatic pods produce vapors just with the press of a button.  

What are the various types of vape pod systems available?

First introduced in 2015, vape pods have come up with several features and capabilities so far. Here are some of the broad classifications of vape pod systems:

  • Standard Pod system: Comes with replaceable pods which can be activated with a small button

A standard Pod could be a refillable pod system or Prefilled Pod System. While the former gives you the flexibility with the flavors, the later is the prefilled pod systems with e-liquids. Users can manually fill the standard refillable Pods so that they can choose from the full range of flavors. Still, the liquid is prefilled under Standard Prefilled Pod systems to avoid the complications of choosing the right e-liquid.

  • Pod AIO: Pods with replaceable coils. A compact and all-in-one device
  • Pod Mod: A large Pod with replaceable coils, fully-suited screen, and chipset

How to use a Pod system?

Considered as one of the smoothest vapes to use, there is an easy guide to follow to make the most of your vape pod system:

  • Check if the battery of the Pod system is fully charged.
  • Fill the e-liquid if you are using the refillable pod system 
  • It takes 5-10 minutes so that the wick gets saturated completely
  • Gently insert the pod into the device
  • Turn on the pod vape function
  • Hold the fire button (if the vape system has) at the time of inhaling. 
  • Enjoy the puff like a regular cigarette

If there is always juice in the vape, it ensures the longevity of the system. In case, if you turn on the empty vape, it may burn the coil. Hence liquid should be quickly refilled, once the refillable vape is empty. 

What are the advantages of pod vapes?

Some of the noticeable advantages of Pod vapes are as follows:

  • It allows the instant change in flavors
  • It is an excellent option for stealth vaping
  • It is easy and straightforward to use
  • It is compact and light-weight to transport
  • It is easy to maintain
  • It accounts for low e-liquid consumption
  • It is specifically designed to quit smoking

Compared to the vaping devices, Pod systems come with excellent benefits to make it a preferred choice. 

Who should ideally use the pod vapes?

Most of the experienced vapers love to use pod vapes. They generally have the sizeable vaping setups and like to include the latest pod vapes to their collection

The simplistic design and satisfactory nicotine delivery by the pod vapes induce the smokers to switch to these pod vapes. Nicotine salt juice is the best way to satiate their cigarette cravings. 

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