CBD is one of the fastest-growing industries in existence today, but it is challenging to get into the market due to the fact that everyone wants a piece of the pie. The best thing you can do for your brand is to handle your marketing with diligence and be patient. Despite all the stories you may have heard, an online empire cannot be built overnight.
If you are just getting started, or you want to revisit some marketing basics, here are a few tips to help you with your foundation.
1. Identify a Target Market

Targeting your market is advertising 101, but its value in the CBD industry cannot be overstated. Almost everyone is a potential customer for THC free CBD gummies, and new brands are popping up on the internet every day. By targeting your market, you define your brand in a way that stands out from the rest.
Here are some steps you can take to figure out who your target market should be:
Do an online search for your competition and think about how you can differentiate from them. Think about who you are. (Choosing a target market that matches your personality and interests may be a wise choice if you plan to do all the marketing yourself.) Do some research to find which populations may be underserved in the current CBD Gummies market, then consider catering to them. Think about who you want to help.
2. Brand Your CBD Gummies
Branding builds a niche in the market for your specific business, and it helps people who want to use your CBD gummies find you. When you develop a personality for your brand, you give consumers something to identify with. A sense of recognition and acknowledgment goes a long way in developing trust and loyalty with new customers.
Ask yourself these questions as you decide which cultural and personal elements to incorporate into your brand:
- What does your target market do for a living?
- What kinds of opinions do they have?
- What are their hobbies?
- What kinds of media do they consume most?
- What are their main concerns about buying CBD?
- Why is CBD their best solution?
3. Build Trust
CBD’s position in the wellness industry underscores the importance of building trust with your potential customers. Conflicting information about potential benefits and potential hazards of CBD makes it challenging to discern good information from bad. The legal grey area and lack of regulation confuse matters even more.
People want to feel confident that they are buying a safe, legal product that will improve their health. Many are looking for a natural way to alleviate symptoms they have struggled with for years, and others hope that CBD will boost their well-being. Either way, trust is absolutely key in this type of brand-consumer relationship.
Trust takes time, and it will not happen overnight. The next few steps on this list take a closer look at some of the content that you can put out there in an effort to get your brand seen, engage with consumers, and build a loyal following based on trust.
4. Create Good Content
The rules surrounding paid advertising for hemp products can be challenging to navigate, and they seem to change frequently. You can definitely try to set yourself up with paid ads for Google, Facebook, and other sites, but you need to be very careful not to violate any restrictions on content related to “chemical or herbal drugs.” There are workarounds, but do your research to know which ones are safest to try.
Fortunately for your new brand, everyone wants to learn more about CBD, but high-quality information is hard to come by. As a result, compelling content will get people to browse your website for longer, engage with your social media accounts, and use your blog posts as a point of reference. They may even start sharing your content as a resource for other people looking for similar information.
5. Engage on Social Media
Facebook and Instagram are where you will really be able to build a presence, brand recognition, and trust with your audience. Again, paid ads may or may not be worth your efforts, but a well-run social media campaign can boost interest in your brand and effectively drive sales.
Your social media accounts will have a different feel depending on the platform (Instagram, for example, is highly visual), and you need to strike a balance between types of posts to keep things interesting. Your aim is to get people liking and commenting on your content because higher engagement means it will get seen by more people.
Here are the basic ideas to keep in mind for your content and engagement:
- Informative
- Fun
- Promotional
- Surveys for followers
- Open-ended questions to followers
- Videos
- Sharing blog posts
- User-generated content
- Question-and-answer
- Behind the scenes
- Testimonials
- Contests
- Don’t forget to like and comment on other people’s posts!
- Always respond when people comment on your posts!
Cannabis Social Networks are social platforms that are entirely dedicated to cannabis users. You can use these platforms to connect to your audience without any restrictions that other social media platforms may have.
6. Create Fun, Informative, or Promotional Videos
Videos are among the most engaging forms of media on the internet. Having a landing page or homepage with a video on it will keep visitors on your site for longer, and social media followers are more likely to like and comment on a video post.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when relying on video content for your CBD gummies:
- Your video needs to capture interest in the first 3-5 seconds
- Sound is typically muted, so your video needs to be visually intriguing
- Don’t post a video every day. Once or twice a week is good enough
- Have fun and show off your brand’s personality
7. Enjoy the Adventure!
One of the most compelling elements to marketing THC free CBD gummies—and really all CBD products—is the joy that they bring to consumers. People rave about how CBD has changed their lives, and you are jumping in to be part of the revolution in wellness. Have fun and enjoy!
This is good informative site