6 Simple Ways to Boost Content Reach

Building a content marketing strategy is important to the growth and success of your business. However, many businesses get trapped focusing on the wrong aspects of content marketing success.

There are two major factors behind the success of every content marketing campaign. The first is having quality content with plenty of authority. The second is having a wide content reach to engage as many people as humanly possible.

Create great content, no problem! It is the reach part that gets people hung up. However, there is good news. You can easily boost your content reach with a little know-how and practice. And getting a boost in content reach is vital for new businesses publishing online content.

To help get your content marketing efforts off to a powerful start, here are six simple ways to extend that content reach.

1. Repurpose Your Content

Repurposing content is a great way to extend the reach, as well as the life of your content marketing efforts. Plus, you already have great authoritative content, so why not make more than one resource out of it.

There are several ways to repurpose content to extend reach. You can create videos, white papers, and more. One very common and effective repurpose tactic is to spin your content into infographics.

This makes your content marketing campaign not only far-reaching, but also a source of backlinks and social media shares. Infographics generally get plenty of engagement, making them worth trying out for your next marketing campaign.

2. Leverage Social Media

Getting more social with your content is a no-brainer for extending reach. However, this is a missed step for a lot of businesses. Extend your content reach by posting your articles and blogs on every social media channel using the right hashtags.

You can use online tools to identify trending hashtags for your articles and blogs. This is a big step in taking your content marketing strategy to the next level. You can also post one piece of content multiple times on social as well, to further its reach.

3. Link Relevant Content Together

If someone lands on one of your articles, blogs, online white papers, or other types of content you have floating around, you can leverage that content to extend the reach of multiple pieces of content. This is done using inter-linking techniques.

Have you ever seen the “Related” or “Recommended Reading” posts in an article you’ve read online? That is inter-linking, and it is a powerful way to extend the reach of your content marketing efforts. Not to mention it’s a very easy tactic to employ.

4. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Not all ways to boost content reach are on-page. Using a content delivery network (CDN) is a backend tactic that can get your content marketing efforts to your target audience faster.

What is CDN exactly? Normally people who land on your content are directed from a server of origin, where your website is parked. Unfortunately, if your server is in New York, but you want to reach your audience in Los Angeles, it may be slower than average.

A CDN pretty much solves this problem. Instead of connecting to the origin server, your target audience in Los Angeles will connect with your content to the closest server to them.

“You need to make sure that no matter where your users are located, they can access your site quickly,” WordPress hosting provider DreamHost explained. “Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a simple and affordable way to accomplish this, while also helping to keep your site secure.”

5. Make User Generated Content

User-generated content isn’t only for social media. You can implement user-generated content strategies into nearly every facet of your overall content marketing strategy.

Why is user-generated content so great? The number one thing this way of extending content reach does is boost user engagement. More engagement means more people sharing your content, which in turn makes content spread like wildfire. This is why user-generated content often goes viral on social media.

6. Add Content Visual

Another powerful way to increase content reach is to integrate more visual content into everything you create. From web pages to articles, more visual content equals

more engagement and better user experience. This increase sharing and moves your content marketing efforts across nations, and in some instances across the world.

What’s the best type of visual content? Videos. Videos are engaging and often solve an issue or teach something important.

“In today’s fast-paced world, video marketing is one of the few types of online material that provides the value, relevance and flexibility consumers need, all while catering to the on-the-go lifestyle they want,” Matt Bowman of Forbes said.

How Far Is Your Content Reach?

Extending the reach of your content is a must to increase the success of your content marketing campaigns, as well as the success of your business. From traditional marketing tactics to video marketing, make each part of your strategy. What reach techniques work best for you?

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