5 Best-Practice Tips To Create A Great SMS Campaign

It’s a well-known fact that sending advertising SMS to potential customers may be perceived as spam. But this is not always the case. Many users actually look forward to getting information about promotions and discounts if it is delivered at a convenient time. An SMS campaign is usually created to attract new customers and establish contact with them. With a proper campaign, the target audience will never consider your messages to be spam. 

What is an SMS campaign?

SMS messaging is sending marketing advertising texts to a large number of consumers. SMS marketing makes it possible to convey information to potential buyers of goods or services. To get tangible benefits, business owners often use other public channels to send their materials, such as web push, email, etc.

Bulk SMS texting has several advantages over other marketing tools. 

Content-rich and effective SMS distribution:

  • is often opened and read by recipients;
  • encourages specific actions:
  • helps recipients quickly understand the information;
  • is understandable to any person;
  • has a universal effect;
  • perfectly matches other marketing strategies.

Distribution of SMS using testelium.com isn’t particularly difficult. It is necessary to enter data in the form fields and specify the recipient’s phone numbers, create a text of a message and enter the time of sending. In the process, the messaging operator has an opportunity to receive information about errors and whether the message has been sent to addressees. SMS decoding greatly simplifies the process and increases the security of sending short promotional text messages to users’ smartphones.

Five main rules of a successful SMS messaging

Despite the continuing popularity of sending advertising SMS for the implementation of marketing goals, it should be remembered that such campaigns alone don’t guarantee the prosperity of your business. If you use the wrong approach, your company runs the risk of not getting new customers at all or may even alienate them. In order to ensure you’re approaching your customers in a way they simply can’t miss, you can connect with them from your existing communication application and use an SMS API that makes SMS-sending a cinch. Here are some best tips to create an SMS campaign that will quickly improve communication between you and your consumers.

Tip 1: efficiency

Any valuable information should be sent in a timely manner. The most important thing is the relevance of your materials. Recipients should be able to plan in advance everything they need to participate in the current promotion or purchase the promoted product.

Tip 2: Significance

Will the consumer be interested in the already irrelevant Black Friday offers on a New Year’s day? You should avoid information about products sold in the past, as well as about prices that have already been changed by this moment. The consumer needs to know the current situation to successfully make a purchase or order a service.

Tip 3: Non-intrusive content

Don’t send the same messages and don’t make your posts too long. This will most likely alienate your potential buyers. Keep your messages as short as possible. At the same time, they must contain as much useful information as possible. Experience shows that the buyer is not interested in messages about the uniqueness of services offered to them, as well as about the fact that your product is much better than other similar products. It would be more correct to put in a message as much specific information as possible about the benefits of your product or about the benefits that await the customer. This is one of the best practices when launching an SMS campaign.

Tip 4: Strong arguments

The content of an SMS should be meaningful and non-intrusive at the same time. It is also necessary that the message affects the recipient, not forcing but pushing them to carry out the necessary activity. A correctly composed SMS is a kind of hint of what would be better for a consumer of goods or services for their own benefit.

Tip 5: Individual approach

It is necessary to find a personal approach to each addressee. Congratulate your customers on their birthdays and other holidays! Such SMS marketing tools will improve your connections with your buying audience, as well as increase the number of regular customers, which, in turn, will lead to increased profits.


Follow the above best tips for SMS texting if you want to quickly increase the efficiency of your business. The high competition requires more creative solutions that will make your company recognizable.

It is better to send SMS messages using modern software. This is necessary to provide SMS decoding and other important security measures. Well-composed messages and great text marketing strategies will drive your business to success. 

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