10 Remote Job Categories That Guarantee Lucrative Salaries for Pros

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Companies worldwide are adopting remote work and Upwork predicts that by 2025, 22% of the US workforce, totaling around 36.2 million individuals, will embrace the remote job model. We delve into the top industries leading this paradigm shift, with a predominant focus on the tech sector.

The Evolution of Remote Work and Its Impact on Job Industries

Remote work isn’t a new phenomenon. Long before the internet era, skilled professionals like blacksmiths, woodworkers, potters, etc, used to work from home. With the Industrial Revolution, we had a radical change in the job outlook. Full circle to today, we are slowly returning to the old remote working model – this time facilitated by digital connectivity.

Forbes estimates that 12.7% of the US workforce currently works full-time remotely, while 28% percent works in a hybrid mode. These numbers will only increase as companies find the many benefits of remote work for their businesses, such as reduced overhead costs, improved work-life balance, better health, and higher morale.

Best Remote Industries for Care-Free Salaries

The following remote industries offer the most rewarding experience.

Note: All salary figures for different professions in this article are taken from Glassdoor, the world’s largest job and recruiting information website.

A. Tech-Oriented Remote Job Options

1. Software Engineers and Developers

  • Average Mean Salary: $139k/year

The software industry, with various roles within it depending on the “language” model you’re most familiar with, currently stands out as the most lucrative sector for remote work opportunities. The projects can range from low-level platforms used in hardware implementation (firmware, registries) to really specific things like building a racoon themed casino based on Next.js.

By having such a wide range of highly sought-after positions, this industry takes the lead in providing the most remote positions, with the average salary for a software professional reaching $139k per year.

2. Data Scientists and Analysts

  • Average Mean Salary: 128k/year

Big data jobs include data engineers, data scientists, data analysts, and SQL developers. The professionals in this field collect and analyze data to aid companies in making informed decisions. The average salary for a remote big data engineer is approximately $128k per year, positioning it in the higher compensation tiers.

illustration of person sitting at a chair with a laptop and icons of charts and SQL databases around them

3. Cybersecurity Experts

  • Average Mean Salary: 122k/year

The increasing need for data protection means that cybersecurity professionals will always remain in demand. Working mostly in remote work environments, these professionals collaborate with IT departments to assess security threats app vulnerabilities and develop plans to protect data. In some job roles, they build information security systems, IT infrastructure, and contingency plans to protect it from hackers and cyber-attacks.

B. Tech-Enabled Jobs

4. Customer Support and Service

  • Average Mean Salary: 41k/year

A survey by Adobe revealed that over 60 per cent of millennials initiate their interactions with a business online. Whether through social media platforms like X (Twitter) or other online and SMS channels.

Companies require round-the-clock assistance for their customers, and customer support professionals play a crucial role in ensuring customers receive just that. The average salary for a remote Customer Support Representative (CSR) in the United States is $41,981.

5. Digital Marketing Specialists

  • Average Mean Salary: 66k/year

The demand for digital marketing professionals is rising as businesses increasingly rely on digital media to connect with their target audience and foster growth. These specialists develop and execute digital marketing campaigns across various channels.

They also analyze market trends, customer behavior, and performance metrics to enhance brand visibility. In the United States, digital marketing professionals earn an average salary of $66,972 per year.

6. Creatives

  • Average Mean Salary: Different for different roles

Then, there are some other tech-enabled roles that involve creative and artistic thinking. Professions like copywriting, graphics designing, and video-making fall into this category.

Graphic designers, in particular, earn an average salary of $53,535 per year, while videographers and copywriters command even higher figures, averaging $60,154 and $72,743 per year, respectively.

man's hands typing on keyboard at computer

7. Project Managers

  • Average Mean Salary: $101k/year

Project Managers are pivotal in coordinating all facets of a project, spanning its development, budgeting, and implementation. Whether it’s a financial, engineering, marketing, or IT-based project, a significant (if not all) portion of project management tasks can be effectively executed from the comfort of home, making this career path well-suited for remote work. The average salary for a remote project manager is an impressive $101,218 per year.

C. Niche Industries

8. Remote Health Professionals

  • Average Mean Salary: 86k/year

The increasing demand for swift access to healthcare professionals in a safe environment has led to a significant surge in telehealth jobs like Medical Coder, Online health consultant, Mental health Counselor, etc.

According to the job posting website Indeed, professions like remote nursing have experienced a substantial growth of 392% since March of this year. The average salary for a remote therapist in the US is $86,264 per year.

9. Online Educators and Trainers

  • Average Mean Salary: 76k/year

The education sector was one of the earliest adopters of remote work. This field has flexible schedules and abundant opportunities in almost every field for both experienced professionals and beginners.

Whether teaching a language, subject, or skill, online tutoring can be a highly rewarding part-time or full-time job. These professions generally follow an hourly rate, with the average salary for an online trainer reaching $76,941 per year.

10. Remote Finance and Accounting Roles

  • Average Mean Salary: Different for different roles

Finance and accounting professionals are responsible for preparing and examining financial records, statements, taxes, and more. Depending on the specific role, these professionals may review records, contribute to profit optimization, and minimize expenditures.

man standing on stock exchange floor looking at a tablet

Remote finance and accounting roles, whether with remote companies or project-based clients, offer an average salary of approximately $64,932 and $72,821 per year in 2023.

Initially met with hesitancy in adopting hybrid or remote work models, many employers in the above-mentioned industries now find reassurance in the advancement of AI, but the future of remote work is bright, whatever anyone else says. Concerns such as the absence of in-person communication are being mitigated by AI meeting assistants like AIRA, which offer live transcriptions and insights.

Moreover, HR teams leverage tools like Gympass to monitor health data and recommend self-care routines, alleviating previous challenges. AI is streamlining repetitive and mundane tasks, paving the way for creativity and innovation to thrive.

As AI continues redefining collaboration, user experience, and productivity, the trajectory of remote work appears poised for ongoing evolution in a way that will be even more rewarding for employers and employees alike.

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Max Liddell
I love everything related to Internet marketing, SEO, e-commerce, etc. There's always something new to learn and to share with our great audience!