Why Being A Video Game Designer Is The Coolest Thing Ever

There are some of us, especially gamers, who probably look at video game designers and feel that it would be our dream job. While millions spend hours on end playing games, they must head to their relatively mundane day jobs to finance the purchasing of said games. However, there are some out there who not only get to play games, they get to design and create them too, which is possibly the coolest thing ever.

Paid For What You Love

The first positive about working as a video game designer is that a person is likely getting paid to do something they love. It can be argued that if you do a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life, and that certainly rings true here. It’s a well-known fact that the pay and benefits that come with working in the video game industry are pretty good too, making it even an even greater reason to get paid to do something you’re passionate about.

The gaming industry is one that is always constantly growing too and being a part of a sector that is on the up, is crucial in the modern world. We’re now seeing developers creating games for consoles, PC, handhelds and mobile, meaning that people are probably set for life as video game designers. With mobile gaming booming, more focus is being applied to this area, with stellar games like mFortune’s Fruit Machine performing exceptionally well, this is a field where designers can really excel.

Entertainment Industry

Games are one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world today, but video game designers can do a lot more than create games to entertain players. Nowadays, games are made with other goals in mind, such as addressing problems people may have or ones that a prevalent in society. Games have been known to help combat depression for example, so this ultimately means that a video game designer can do amazing things, as well as helping to entertain too.

Work Environment

What most will also find in the gaming industry is that it is a casual and easy-going environment. It’s not a suit and tie gig so to speak, rather it’s more relaxed, allowing everyone to feel comfortable and get their creative juices flowing. People will find that working as a game designer, while at times it can be stressful due to the task at hand, they’ll be working in a relatively stress-free environment, which should be reflected in the content produced too.

At the end of the day, one of the biggest plus points of working as a video game designer is that you’re going to get the chance to play games as part of your job. This could mean playing the games you have personally been involved with developing, or playing those made by other companies, in order to analyze them. Either way, it’s going to be fun, and a lot better than working a mundane 9-5.

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