Rockstar Games Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer Looks As Good As HBO’s Westworld

Rockstar is a pioneer when it comes to high concept open world games. The have shattered game sale records with the Grand Theft Auto series as well as made a name for themselves with racing fans with their Midnight Club racing games. Now they are finally giving us what we have been wanting for over 5 years. A beautiful and lead filled Red Dead Redemption 2 coming exclusively to the PS4.

The sequel to the original Red Dead Redemption is an epic tale of life in Americas unforgiving heartland. the game is vast and, in true Rockstar form, completely atmospheric. The story mode brilliantly sets up and lays the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience new to the franchise.

Playstation 4 has secured first access to earn select online content for the vast open world of Red Dead Redemption 2. Additionally the classic PS3 version of Red Dead Redemption will be available soon on Playstation Now.

You will be able to relive the epic story that started it all. Playing as John Martson you will hunt down gang members he once considered family while surviving the wild and hash landscape of America’s drunk and dying West.

The setting will be familiar to those who have indulged in HBO’s latest science fiction thriller series Westworld a remake of the original 1973 film written and directed by Michael Crichton. The series takes place in a  technically advanced Western themed amusement park.

The park is populated completely by synthetic androids dubbed “Hosts”. Everything is scripted in the park and the visitors can’t actually get hurt during their epic gun battles with outlaws.

The American myth of the cowboy is proving to be an undying symbol of the American will and desire to push forward and ever be the master of nature.

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