Where should people turn for creativity or inspiration? It should come from inside ourselves, but some people are simply not wired that way. And many more have had their creativity and motivation slowly beaten out of them by years of mundane work or an outdated education system. So where can people turn to get reenergized to start new things in their life? There are many options for this, both online and off. My vote would go to Pinterest though. It is hands down the best place to find little things to inspire you and spark some creativity.
If you don’t feel like you are the creative type, that’s OK. Not everyone can mediate on a mountain for two hours then come down and write a book in a couple of weeks. But there is some creativity in all of us. A little boost is all some of us need to get going. Pinterest is full of epic quotes, wonderful scenery, and awe inspiring photos that can provide that lift to get you going on a creative path. If you need more inspiration for your career goals then it is just a few pins a way. Looking to start a small business, but don’t know how to stand out from the crowd? Then flip through endless quotes on topics like creative destruction, inventions, or wacky products.
The great thing about Pinterest is that is gives instant gratification. You don’t have to set aside a few days to read an entire book….oh the horror:) I love to read, but even I have a hard time fitting in books and I have a monthly subscription to Audible for Pete’s sake. In just two minutes of browsing Pinterest you can get to a new level of motivation, get a fresh idea or two, and feel some goosebumps along the way. Each pin gets to the point quickly without much reading involved. A pin is worth a thousand words.
I have a few private boards on Pinterest that I use to store ideas for projects or little streams of income. These boards are just compiled of other people’s pins. I see something cool that I think I can market and I save it. Those pins may evolve into something totally different from the original pin. That is the beauty of Pinterest. You don’t have to come up with all your own great ideas. You can “steal” others’ ideas and make them better or just use them to get you a little further down the road.
So if you are in need of a creative boost, make sure you get on Pinterest daily. It can get you on a road to better fitness, relieve stress, and help you brainstorm quicker. I have to say that Pinterest would be on my top three websites to keep if I could only use a set number of sites.
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