How To Take Time Off From College For Rehab

Not so long ago, there were huge stigmas around substance abuse and a person’s need to take time off to address substance abuse disorders. While that stigma isn’t completely gone, the truth is that we’ve come a long way in educating people about how common substance use disorders are and have found ways to support people who need to focus on their recoveries. There are many alcohol rehab centers in nashville that offer a wide range of alcohol treatment programs. There are also a lot of places that offer dual diagnosis treatment, which includes both alcohol and drug rehab.

If you’re a college student who’s struggling with a substance use issue, you might be surprised to learn how easy it is to defer a semester to take time off to go to rehab. In fact, making a tough decision like putting yourself ahead of your studies might be the best thing you do during your college career. For things to consider when deciding whether or not to take time off from college for rehab and how to do it, read on.

Being Honest

While taking time off from college for rehab can be a complex decision, addressing concurrent mental health concerns during this pause is equally vital. For many students, the stressors of academia are tightly interwoven with their mental well-being, thereby making the integration of mental health therapies into their recovery journey indispensable.

An enlightening perspective on overcoming mental health issues with Pacific Ridge underlines the importance of embedding mental health strategies within addiction treatment protocols, facilitating a more comprehensive and holistic path towards sustained recovery. Balancing both educational and health needs is crucial during this time, as both are integral to the student’s future trajectory and overall wellbeing.

One of the best ways to put yourself first is to start with honest communication. After being honest with yourself about your need to enter a fantastic facility like the Dana Point rehabilitation center, consider setting up an appointment with your academic advisor or favorite professor if time allows. Obviously, if you are going into treatment on an emergency basis, you’ll need to make those calls from the facility you’re in with the help of staff. But if you have time to plan your stay in rehab, setting up a private appointment and confiding in a college professional is a great way to begin.

While it may seem scary, intimidating, or even like failure to tell a professor or admissions person that you’re struggling, the reality is that you certainly aren’t the first student who’s ever requested a semester deferral to attend rehab. Not only will your information and reasons for deferring be kept confidential, but you’ll likely be surprised to learn just how helpful staff can and will be when they know the truth.

The fact is that substance use disorders are common, and the odds are that the person you confide in knows someone else who’s struggling, too. Ask this person how to go about deferring, your options for returning to school, and online options should your recovery require a move.

Formulating a Plan

When talking to college professionals, you’ll want to be clear about your goals for returning to school. If you aren’t sure where to start, consider reaching out to someone in your school’s admissions department, as they’ll have a good idea of the various program rules when it comes to reentry.

The same way you may have once Google searched “college admission advisor near me” to get into a top school, you’ll want to take your time in building an exit and reentrance plan to keep stress down upon your return. Knowing you don’t have anything to worry about during rehab will only help your recovery long-term.

Redefining Goals

In rehab, you’ll learn all about how mental health in young people is a serious thing that needs to be made a top priority. As you work with a therapist, you’ll get tools to help you upon exiting rehab. Before entering, jot down a list of goals for your treatment so you can see how far you’ve come when you get out.

At the end of the day, nothing is more important than your mental and physical health, and being your best self hinges on making those things a priority. Even with a college degree, you won’t be able to function to full capacity if you’re struggling with a substance use disorder. In making your recovery a priority now, you’ll be giving yourself the best chance for a bright future. Best of luck to you in your recovery journey. Your future, sober self will thank you.

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