How to Know When to Replace Your Fence: 5 Essential Signs

white picket fence with flowers.
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

Fences are an essential part of people’s properties. They can boost security and give you privacy. They create boundaries and keep the outside world where it belongs while also keeping your pets and children safe. At the same time, fences can improve your property’s curb appeal and even add to its value. That being said, they require a certain amount of attention. Once you have a fence installed, it won’t stand on its own forever. Take a look at the following five warning signs that it’s time to replace your fence. 

1. Extensive Damage

One sign that you need a new fence is extensive damage. You may have broken posts or missing boards. Maybe the chain link is coming loose from the posts that are supposed to be holding it up. It could be that entire sections of the fence are falling down. If you have extensive damage or if multiple areas of the fence need to be repaired, replacing it may be the better option. It’ll keep the fence sturdy and secure and ensure you don’t have unsightly mismatched areas. 

2. Decayed Boards or Posts

Decayed boards or posts on a wood fence is another warning sign that it’s time to replace it. Even if the damage isn’t leaving obvious holes or gaps in your fence, it’ll affect its structural integrity. Decay weakens wood, which makes it easier to break. As such, it creates prime entry points for thieves, vandals, pests, and other intruders. Even minor decay can leave your home or business vulnerable. Though you can replace only the decayed posts or boards, it’s generally better to replace the entire fence. Chances are the unaffected areas will start showing signs of age and damage before long. 

3. Rusty Metal

Steel and iron fences are vulnerable to rust. Though fences made of these material tend to last longer than wood versions, they still succumb to the elements over time. As is the case with wood decay, rust can make a metal fence weak. Rust starts out as unsightly surface patches, but it’ll eventually eat deeper into the fence. That, in turn, will compromise your fence’s structural integrity. Routine maintenance can help keep rust at bay, but if it gets out of hand, it’s time to replace the fence. 

4. Pest Damage

Another indication that it’s time to replace your fence is pest damage. Metal, composite, and vinyl fences are virtually impervious to pests, but that’s not the case with wood fences. Termites, powderpost beetles, carpenter ants, and many other pests actively seek out wood fences to feast on or build their homes in. They can make your fence weak and leave it more vulnerable to the elements, which may speed up the decomposition process. If your fence is infested with pests, consider replacing it and possibly upgrading to a material those pests won’t be interested in. 

5. It’s Unsightly or Outdated

Maybe your fence isn’t damaged or hosting pests; it’s still standing strong and giving you security and privacy. Perhaps the problem is that it’s faded, peeling, or outdated. If that’s the case, it could be bringing down the appearance and value of your entire property. Replacing it would be a wise investment in a situation like that. 

Upgrading to a New Fence

No matter what type of material your fence is made of, it’s going to need to be replaced at some point. Though you don’t want to spend the extra money to replace it before it’s necessary, you don’t want to wait too long, either. Whether your fence is falling down or it’s just out of fashion, you have an array of options for replacing and upgrading it. 

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Steven Weissman
I grew up working on my family's small farm in western New York state. We did a lot of projects ourselves, which taught me not to be intimidated by DIY projects. So now I like to write about DIY topics to help others gain confidence to try to do things on their own.