How To Get My Ex-Girlfriend Back After Breakup Even If She Is Dating Another Guy

What should you do if your true love dumps you and moves on? What can you do if your ex-girlfriend has a new boyfriend, but you want her back? You only want to make her smile, appreciate her, and adore her. But there’s no way you can win her back. What’s worse, she’s engaging in all that behavior with another guy?

Don’t lose hope; while it isn’t always simple, getting back with your ex is undoubtedly feasible. This article will address all your questions about how you can get back your ex-girlfriend after a breakup, especially when she is dating another guy. 

But are there any chances that you two will get back together? Let’s find that out.

Do Exes Get Back Together

A breakup in any love relationship is quite an unpleasant experience. Plans you once made about your future suddenly shift, hurting feelings and egos. Ex-partners must learn how to control their conflicting feelings of loss, distress, and (sometimes) relief after a breakup.

But many people still go back to their prior love interests. Think about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. They broke up in 2004, dated, wed, and then separated. Fast forward to 2021, and they are finally back together.

While returning to an ex-partner may seem strange at first, it’s extremely common. Statistics reveal that 40–50% of people reconcile with an ex to begin a new relationship.

So, without further ado, let’s find out how you can get your ex girlfriend back from another guy.

How To Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back From Another Guy

Review Yourself

Consider your current self and the person you were before the breakup. Ask yourself: how can you become a better version of yourself? Start buying new shirts or get a new haircut. Small things like these go a long way to attract your ex’s attention. Avoid being arrogant, but don’t be a doormat. Reach out to her without sounding needy if she hasn’t contacted you after breaking up.

Get in Touch

When the period of no contact is over, approach her. It is not desperate to start talking now because you’ve already proven to the girl that you can live without her, despite what she might have thought.

Say Hello If You Bump Into Her

Making her aware that you are still interested is the first step in getting back into her life. Try to figure out where she frequently hangs out ‘alone.’ Show some enthusiasm when greeting or meeting her. Be sincere and genuine if you want to leave a positive impression on her. Don’t ruin the mood by bringing up any previous arguments.

Re-Friend Her on Social Media

Did you block or unfriend her on social when things ended? If so, unblock her and send a friend request again. If she doesn’t accept, it may be a sign that she’s already moved on, according to dating coach of threesomedatingsites, and there’s not much you can do about it. If she accepts, thank her for allowing you back into her friends’ circle.

Send the Right Messages

Don’t send creepy messages that make you appear like a stalker. Instead, send appropriate messages and say something that sparks interest. For example:

‘I miss you. Can we talk?’

Being direct and honest is the best way to win your ex back and divert her attention from her current boyfriend. This question indicates to your ex that you still want to be in touch with her. If she chooses to ignore your request and change the conversation, maybe she’s not ready to give you another chance yet!

‘How have you been?’

Messages like these show that you still care about the well-being of your ex. You think about her and want to know what’s happening in her life. Don’t shy away from admitting that you’ve been missing her since your breakup. See if that ignites any sparks.

Apologize (If you were wrong)

Time to own up to your mistake and apologize. Of course, you can skip this portion if she was the one who ended things abruptly. Otherwise, it’s time to be vulnerable and open up. If you’ve already apologized in the past, do it just one more time.

Unfortunately, she is under no obligation to accept your apologies. And in that case, you should stop pursuing her at this point. If she responds, that’s a great sign, and you might be close to a reunion.

Show Her that You’ve Changed

The key is attitude. Show her that you are past any jealousy, infidelity, or issues that troubled the relationship.

Be the person she wants to be with for the rest of her life. Even if you spot her with another guy, greet her warmly without showing any signs of jealousy. That’s a great way to let her perceive a confident and cool guy who is not insecure or jealous.

Give Her Some Space

Again, allow her to practice her freedom and do what she wants with her life. Remember that she is an individual, and you can’t force her into doing anything. However, according to your taste and lifestyle, you can help her develop the same interests as yours by planning a movie night or a hiking adventure. If she is studying or working full-time, allow her some space so she can declutter her mind.

Final Thoughts

If you’re wondering how to get your ex-girlfriend back, the foolproof method is to convince her that you still care about her and that you are genuinely sincere. Once you two become comfortable spending some time again, discuss your future, so she knows if your future includes her.

Patience, resilience, and sincerity allow you to go a long way and help maintain long-term relationships. From our blog, you can find more advice about how to get back your ex-girlfriend after a breakup, even if she’s with another guy. Don’t forget to check out more articles on how to get back your ex into your life.

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Brenda Coles
I'm an elementary school teacher who became a stay-at-home mother when my first child was born. I love to write about lifestyle, education, and news-related topics.