Artificial Intelligence & New Technologies

Artificial Intelligence is a fast booming sector that has taken a tempest in each industry and profoundly affects each area of society. Artificial Intelligence is beginning to rapidly change the way we live with and view new technology. A fun fact is that AI has only just begun to gain its full ground in the world even as it significantly cuts across all spheres of human activities. One thing AI does that many individuals know about is the manner by which organizations or platforms flawlessly keep an information base of their crowd or clients without having to go through a rigorous process or stressing staff members.

For example, artificial intelligence has made it possible for even online casinos like True Blue to get their players’ information on the database when they use the True Blue Casino and prevent them from repeating the bonus codes they have used. There are many more things using AI that you probably bypassed without giving them a thought or relating them to artificial intelligence.

robotic face superimposed over a screen of programming code

“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” written by authors Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, describes artificial intelligence as “the study of agents that receive percepts from the environment and perform action”. Artificial Intelligence is also referred to as Man-made reasoning or consciousness that machines exhibit which is not normal for the characteristic knowledge.

The expression “man-made reasoning” is frequently used to portray machines (or PCs) that emulate “intellectual” works that people relate to the human psyche, for example, “learning” and “critical thinking. Following this, leading AI journals compiled by researchers have described the field as an investigation of intelligent agents or specialists that see their current circumstances and make moves that boost their opportunity of effectively accomplishing their objectives. These intelligent agents or specialists are devices, gadgets, or machines made by computer scientists who equip them with data on human and animal interactions.

The Beginning of Artificial Intelligence

Well before the twentieth century, having machines that could think like people only used to surface during stories by moonlight and on ancient pieces but now the case is different. The historical backdrop of Artificial Intelligence can’t be expressed without making due reference to the effective contribution of Alan Turing, an English logician, and computer pioneer. Alan Turing is one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence, along with Marvin Minsky, John McCarthy, Herbert A. Simon, and Allen Newell. Turing proposed changing the well-known inquiry of if a machine was intelligent to whether it is workable for machines to show intelligent behavior.

Turing gave conceivably the earliest open talk (London, 1947) to refer to computer intelligence, saying, “What we need is a machine that can learn from experience,” and that the “chance of letting the machine change its own directions” gives the instrument to this possibility. In 1950, Turing presented a functional test for computer intelligence that is currently referred to just as the Turing test. It is said that no AI program was able to pass the Turing assessment till 2014.

Artificial intelligence was then presented as a discipline in 1955. The term “artificial intelligence” was officially introduced in a proposal composed by Nathaniel Rochester, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, and Claude E. Shannon for the well-known Dartmouth conference in the summer of 1956. The field of AI research was conceived at a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956, where the term “Artificial Intelligence” was coined by John McCarthy to distinguish the field from robotics /cybernetics and break the impact of the cyberneticist Norbert Wiener. The AI field draws upon computer science, information engineering, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, and numerous different fields.

New Technologies in Artificial Intelligence

The approach of the internet helped technology to advance dramatically. Artificial intelligence technology was an independent technology thirty years ago but, now the applications are boundless in each circle of life. The adoption of Artificial Intelligence has developed from 4% to 15% during 2018-2019, as per the Gartner report. Numerous new and arising technologies are installed in artificial intelligence. Start-ups to big organizations are increasingly hastening their processes to execute artificial intelligence for operational excellence, information mining, and so on.

While its wide-spread relevance has already brought an exceptional relief to mankind as regards many straining activities, A.I. is still in its infancy and is not fully established yet. For instance, any piece of software or programming that has A.I. is due to an algorithm that reacts based on pre-characterized multi-faceted information or client conduct. Many organizations only apply the parts of A.I. they need in their products or technologies to achieve an expected function.

New technologies involved in the application of A.I. include:

Speech Recognition

Speech recognition is a significant subset of A.I. which changes over human speech into a useful and comprehensible composition by computers. Speech recognition is a scaffold between human and computer communications. The technology perceives and changes over human speech in several languages. AI has provided voice-activated programs or computers like Siri (for iPhone), Google Assistant (for Android), Cortana (Windows), and Alexa (Amazon virtual assistant). For example, with instructions from an owner, Alexa can control smart devices or gadgets utilizing itself as a home-automation system.

Machine learning

Machine learning (ML) is a branch of computer science and a thriving part of AI. Machines are empowered by machine learning to understand information without being modified or programmed. Its goal is to create strategies that allow computers/machines to learn. Machine Learning platforms are increasing traction every day by providing APIs (application programming interface), algorithms, training and development tools, copious data, applications, and other machines.

Machine learning platforms are currently being utilized for prediction and characterization. The healthcare and medical profession need machine learning strategies to analyze patient information for viable therapy, the prediction of diseases, and ensuring effective treatment is given. The banking and financial sector needs machine learning for client information analysis to recognize and propose investment alternatives to clients and for ways to avoid danger and extortion. Retailers hire Machine Learning engineers to investigate client information to calculate changes in consumer behavior and customer preferences.

Virtual Agents

A host of companies or organizations now provide chatbots in their Mobile and Web applications as their customer service agents to communicate with humans and to answer their queries. Virtual agents have become important tools to not just instructional designers alone but to customer care sections in most organizations and users as well. Alexa, Cortana, Siri, and Google Assistant also serve as virtual agents and not just speech recognition tools.

Alexa from Amazon helps to organize your shopping list easily and Google Assistant helps to organize meetings all in the bid to ease things for you. Online organizations like online gaming sites are also really popular for using chatbots. For instance, you can understand all you need to know about True Blue Casino codes by using the chatbot on the gaming website. Virtual assistants also function as language assistants, which pick cues from your choice and preference. Some other companies that provide virtual agents include Creative Virtual, Artificial Solutions, IBM, Satisfi, Assist AI, and IPsoft.

AI-Optimized Hardware

AI-optimized hardware are accelerators built to allow faster processing of AI applications, especially in computer vision, machine learning, biometrics, IoT (Internet of Things) devices, and neural networks. They are usually designed as core and focus on in-memory computing capability, low-precision arithmetic, or novel dataflow architectures. Due to the increase in attention given to AI software, there is a growing need for AI hardware that supports the software in circulation.

AI models cannot be supported by conventional chips used in regular software. A new generation of artificial intelligence chips is being developed for neural networks, deep learning, and computer vision. Companies are already creating chips that can perform AI calculations and two prominent companies that do this are Qualcomm and Nvidia.

robot with human face and hands


Biometrics is another branch of artificial intelligence that functions based on artificial neural networks. Biometrics works to recognize, measure, and analyze the physical features of the body’s structure and human behavior. It promotes organic interactions between humans and machines by using human characteristics like imagery, touch, body language, and speech in its functions. It is prevalently utilized to carry out a market survey. AI identifies with two biometric types; physical and behavioral.

Physical biometrics technologies such as iris, finger, and facial recognition are dependent principally on a static system of estimating points obtained from fixed images. On the other hand, behavioral biometrics is controlled by a dynamic approach driven by deep learning and machine learning, which involves gathering and processing very large data sets. Agnitio, 3VR, Affectiva, Sensory, FaceFirst, Tahzoo, and Synqera are some of the best biometrics companies in the world that are still developing better ways to use biometrics. 

Common Doubts about AI innovations

There is a lot of fear about whether AI will take over the world and if concerns should be raised to stop any more innovations with AI. AI is not out there to overestimate the effects of technology but to improve human living. It is important to always remember that the machines created with AI are all programmed to function based on algorithms. Men made the machines and without man, the machines will have no functionality. The intelligence accredited to AI is the fact that machines can learn at a fast rate but this does not translate to the machines outsmarting humans. The concern should be on how humans use AI since it is created for humans.

Where is AI going in the next decade?

It is seen that AI has greatly influenced all sectors of work in the world especially through machine learning and it is only at its infant stage. There is more that AI has to offer with new technologies all around the world. Some sectors are already veterans on the AI journey but all sectors still have a long way to go to explore how much Artificial Intelligence has to offer. Following the previous ten years, AI research and development have seen a gigantic expansion due partially to the availability of a high number of data sets and a higher processing power that has advanced the deep learning revolution. AI has impacted transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, education, customer service, and media over the last decade.

For the next decade, the focus of AI will be the improvement of all the narrow AI programs, software or any other thing put out under AI and increasing the functionality of existing AI. AI programs that exist now are only competent at the one task assigned to them. Even some of the expert AI programs or machines still fall short of the significant artificial general intelligence (AGI) required and a lot can go wrong with the AI we have now. Although, beyond the next decade, there is hope for innovations with AI. 

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